"This has nothing to do with the economy," guest judge Tyce Diorio said. Our thoughts exactly! Nigel even compared Scooter to "Clay Aiken's younger brother" — ouch!
Things picked up a bit with Nicole — and by up, we mean way up. Nicole had her hair piled high in a Marge Simpson-style bun, which oddly enough became a liability for her in the competition. Tyce went so far as to say she had the kind of talent that "comes along every 100 years" — but later, they needed to her perform again WITHOUT the bun to make a decision. Who knew that hair had such an effect on a person's dancing? Nigel got in another good line at the expense of Deroccius, whose routine to Britney Spears' "Toxic" was straight out of our step aerobics class. "You might make the Dallas cowboy cheerleaders," but you're not right for this show, he reasoned. Please, Nigel — we really don't want to see Deroccius in a miniskirt. Next up, a real-life Mafia princess. Gorgeous Marcella, the daughter of a convicted mobster, revealed that guys were too scared to date her in high school, even though she's a dead ringer for Shakira. We actually loved her audition, but the judges sent her to choreography, saying she needed to find her "passion" or Fuggedaboutit (yes, there were mobster jokes aplenty). Guest judge Toni Redpath got pretty hot and heavy over Jordan, a former addict who is now five years' clean. "You're not traditionally handsome, but your energy is sexy. I want to crawl over the table," she cooed. Down, girl!
Unfortunately for Toni — who is Scarlett Johansson's lookalike — Jordan had no ballroom dancing ability whatsoever. On to Tennessee, where the judges got even snarkier. Two Amish-looking BFFs did a Flamenco dance right out of the fourth-grade talent show, leading Nigel to quip, "You make dead people seem like party animals." All in all, 122 contestants made it to Vegas, a number that will be boiled down to five guys and five girls. Sarah, the "big dancer" from last week, is already out. Another guy from Queens, N.Y., "danced for his life" and now he's in. Ida, whose mother wasn't allowed to dance in Iran, is still in, but looks like there's trouble ahead for her next week. And a guy with painful scoliosis didn't make the cut but will appear on the show with his "crew" at some point.